Housing Summit Resources
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Learn more about the causes of and responses to the global housing crisis:
- Why Affordable Housing Needs to be a Human Right, Not a Privilege (May 31, 2017)
- National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty 2015 //Human Right to Housing Report Card//
- United Nations World Cities Report, 2016
- Background and resources on "Root Shock" and serial displacement
- What is the Human Right to Housing?
- Black Homes Matter, a report on East Liberty and Northside housing realities and movement responses, issued by Pittsburgh's Homes for All Campaign.
- "Out of Reach" National Low Income Housing Coalition report on the gap between minimum wage and a "housing wage." Nowhere in the United States does a minimum wage worker earn enough to afford decent housing.
- VIDEO:"Earning Minimum Wage puts Affordable Housing Out of Reach"Jun 13, 2017, Glen Ford of Black Agenda Report discusses a National Low Income Housing Coalition report that finds affordable housing is next to impossible for U.S. workers earning minimum wage
- Managing Neighborhood Change Toolkit: Anti-Displacement Literature Review
- Development without Displacement: Boston's Experience with Community Land Trusts
- How Rising Commercial Rents Are Threatening Independent Businesses and What Cities Are Doing About It
- ====Building a Just Baltimore for All: A Plan for a Fair Development Future====
- The Rise of the Corporate Landlord: The Institutionalization of the Single Family Rental Market and Potential Impacts on Renters
- National #JustCause4Eviction Tookit
- Austerity Urbanism, by Jamie Peck.n this study Jamie Peck delineates how neoliberalism has tightened its grip on cities since the Great Recession, engendering what he calls austerity urbanism.
- "The Permanent Crisis of Housing" by David Madden and Peter Marcuse, Jacobin October, 2016.
- Creating Housing Opportunity and Building Mixed-Income Neighborhoods. Urbankind Institute October 2016
- Gentrification and Displacement Research
- Gentrification and Changes in the Stock of Low-Cost Rental Housing in Philadelphia, 2000 to 2014 examines changes in the number of low-cost units (gross rent of $750 or less) across the city, with particular attention to the loss of these units in gentrifying areas. The report illustrates the challenges of maintaining low-income renters' access to rapidly developing, gentrifying neighborhoods.
- UCLA Urban Displacement Project
- "Gentrification is Dead" -A primer on the causes and responses to gentrification in U.S. cities, by the Center for Pan-African Development
- Gentrification Vulnerability Index, Tufts University researchers propose a measure to assess threats of displacement (Boston)
- Mapping disconnection and deprivation: Scotland (Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2016) and UK (Disconnection and Deprivation in UK neighborhoods)
- Gentrification is "Building our way to Hell" Stories of displacement and struggle from around the world (The Guardian, October 2016)
- Slums and Affordable Housing - Encyclopedia of Social Work, Bonnie Young Laing
- "Affluent and Black: Still Trapped by Segregation" Why well-off black families end up living in poorer areas than white families with similar or even lower incomes. New York Times, August 20, 2016.
- Puerto Rican community fights gentrification with community land trust
- South Africa's continuing "spatial apartheid", The Guardian May 25, 2017
Pittsburgh Neighborhood Tour--A guide to the Pittsburgh most impacted neighborhoods visited during our Housing Summit tour.
- "Transforming the Hill District" Article by George E. Evans, member of City Council, shows how Hill District "Urban Renewal" scheme was a deliberate effort to push African Americans out of Pittsburgh in 1943.
Resources on universities, student debt, and links to the affordable housing crisis
Student Loans and Housing Decisions:
- https://www.federalreserve.gov/econresdata/feds/2016/files/2016010pap.pdf
- http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/684587
- http://jchs.harvard.edu/sites/jchs.harvard.edu/files/lew_research_brief_student_loan_11_2015.pdf
Student rent strikes in the UK:
- https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/may/09/rent-strike-students-ucl-london-threat-to-education-access
- https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/student-assembly-calls-for-rent-strikeshttp://www.independent.co.uk/student/student-life/accommodation/ucl-rent-strike-resolved-student-accommodation-in-london-a7120421.html
- https://www.facebook.com/uclcuttherent/
- https://www.theguardian.com/education/2016/sep/17/uk-university-students-rent-strike-rising-cost-accommodation
Various pieces on universities and the urban:
- Addie, J.P.D., 2016. From the urban university to universities in urban society. Regional Studies, pp.1-11.
- Harris, M. and Holley, K., 2016. Universities as Anchor Institutions: Economic and Social Potential for Urban Development. In Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research (pp. 393-439). Springer International Publishing.
- Schafran, A., 2015. The future of the urban academy. City, 19(2-3), pp.303-305.
- Smith, D. (2005). ‘Studentification: the gentrification factory?' in R. Atkinson and G. Bridge, eds., The New Urban Colonialism: Gentrification in a Global Context. (Routledge, London), 72-89.
- Smith, DP and Hubbard, P. (2014). 'The segregation of educated youth and dynamic geographies of studentification'. Area 46(1): 92-100.
- Smith, D. and Holt, L. (2007). 'Studentification and 'apprentice' gentrifiers within Britain's provincial towns and cities: extending the meaning of gentrification'. Environment and Planning A 39(1): 142-161.
- Sage, J., Smith, D. and Hubbard, P., 2012. The diverse geographies of studentification: Living alongside people not like us. Housing Studies, 27(8), pp.1057-1078.
National Organizations and Campaigns
Pittsburgh activists are working with national groups that are part of the Right to the City Alliance and the Homes for All Campaign.National Economic and Social Rights Initiative
Reinventing Housing in Pittsburgh: Former Community Development Corporation Director Tom Murphy becomes Mayor (March/April 1996)